The new academic year is in full swing and what a year it is, over 20.000 students are currently studying at our now 90 year old university and many are already associated with Asset | Strategy & Logistics. But who are the chosen responsible for managing all the students actively working for our Asset department? Introducing the Board 2017-2018: Who they are, what they do and the most impressive skills they’ve gained over the years.


So who are the members of the board, and why are they doing this?

The current board members are as follows (from left to right): Tim van de Loo – 21 years old – Chairman, Kasper Vugts – 21 years old – Treasurer, Luuk Salari – 21 years old- Vice Chairman and Sasja Vermeulen – 22 years old – Secretary and external affairs officer. All of them are fresh graduates of the Business economics bachelor and ready for their board year.

The reasons why they are doing this can divided into two main categories: The informal reasons being the need for a break, finding new friends and personally making it their duty to attend all the events be it formal or informal. However, a board year also has added values to your future as is already being experienced by the new members. Gaining first hand experience in management or just life and social skills is the essence of the board year, falling directly into the second category: personal development.


Personal development is key

A board year might sound like a lot of fun and from the looks of it, they have their fair share of drinks and delight. This does however, not get into the way of their personal development By coordinating committees, working together with their fellow board members all day and organizing formal events, they develop themselves socially as well as professionally. The results of their progression can already be seen in their skills. Be it accomplishments in Photoshop and InDesign or more managerial skills such as teamwork or planning, it all plays its part during a board year.

Be that as it may, increasing your range of skills is not the most important part of a board year. Expanding your personal network is, as many professionals will tell you, essential in almost every work field. This also exactly where assets proves its purpose. Within Asset, there are more than 40 board members, besides these members there is also a fresh breed of new committee members actively working for the Strategy and Logistics department. Furthermore, they come into contact with recruiters and businesses on a regular basis, either to discuss participation in of the events or just to look for possibilities between the organisations.


What the future holds

As this article previously stated there are multiple benefits to a board year, but unfortunately it only lasts one year. The plans of the current board for after this year are all to start their masters; Accountancy, information management and strategic management are all masters where you can find them in the next academic year. Nonetheless, if you can’t wait to meet our new board, go visit them at the E-building. Tim will be glad to offer you a bad pun be it (p)unintended or not, you can try to beat Kasper in whatever Playstation game you can think of or you could try to beat Luuk in a good game of football. Meanwhile Sasja will still be trying to do multiple things at the same time, her goal is to still work efficient whilst being sleep deprived. All but all a board which is down-to-earth and ready for a great year.


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